Christmas is a crazy time.. but in my house the ADHD has kicked into high gear and R is living under a pile of clothes.. AGAIN! This is too much.
R lost his retainers again, this has to be the fourth time in less than three-months. I’ve asked him to check his room several times and he assures me he has. Yet, if I offer to help he gets anxious and I back off, not wanting to upset him. However, on Wednesday, the day after Christmas I decide to go into his room and look. OMG! I want to scream on the top of my lungs. For those of you who have been reading my stories, you will remember about a week ago I wrote “Mole Hills Turn to Mountains….” it was about the pile of clothes I found under R’s bed and in the bottom of his closet. And, here I less than a week later and I have the same issue! How does this happen?
Last Thursday I found the mound of clothes and Saturday I spent a few hours in the laundromat cleaning it all. In fact, I had the woman behind the counter weigh the clothes for me to see if it would be more cost-effective to have her wash, dry, and fold it for me. Low and behold, I sat there for two hours doing laundry, because he had Fifty lbs. yep you read that correctly 5-0 pounds of laundry. I was fit-to-be-tied. And, here I am again with the same issue.
I was so happy he was not home when I found this pile, because I was about to lose my mind. By the time R came home I had calmed myself. I showed him what I found and asked him why? How?
R explained to me, he gets overwhelmed. He wants to put clothes away, or go through his clothes neatly when finding something to wear, but it doesn’t work for him. He starts to look for something he knows he has, and when he can’t find it, he pulls everything out. Then he either realizes he won’t find what he wants, or finds it and when he sees how much he has pulled out he gets overwhelmed and throws all the clothes either under his bed or under his clothing shelf in his closet.
R and I talked about this situation and we are going to try to figure out a new way to help him. My first plan of action is to have him come to me, when he needs something so I can have him go through things neatly while I watch or help him to sort through his things to help find what it is he needs.
Hopefully, this plan works and he will learn from my coaching and/or showing him how I do things, how to do this neatly on his own.
I will keep everyone posted on how it works out.
Have you experienced this type of situation? If so, leave me a comment and tell me how you handled it and if what ever it was you tried worked.
Keep sparkling!
The Multifaceted Mom
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