So, today is my first “official” blog post I guess… I decided to open this blog and omg, I have never felt so computer-illiterate in my life!
Use WordPress they said, it’ll be easy they said… really??? I can’t tell, because I’ve been working on this “easy” blog website-helper for almost a week and couldn’t get anything to work. Then last night, I sign on to give it another go…. and the whole screen set-up looked different and before you know it, I was writing pages, and tonight I learned how to make menus… so I hope you find what I did to your liking, and if not… well… it’s here for the long haul until I can figure this ish out.
I got up this morning at 6 a.m. made myself and the two boys peanut butter banana protein shakes, made and packed lunches, got things ready for dinner tonight, and I was out the door on my way to work by 7:30 am.
I had to stop and get gas, so I thought I would leave early and give myself one hour to do what I had to do and travel my 25 min drive to work and be on time for 8:30 am. I was so happy with myself for getting out on time. And then … it happened. I get onto the highway and BAM! Traffic, not just any type of traffic, it was a stand-still, a parking lot, I know many of you know what I’m talking about. So there I sat… it’s like you are a prisoner to the road when this happens, you can’t make a U-Turn on the highway, you can’t get off and go anywhere if you aren’t near an exit.. so there you sit. You sit waiting, looking at the clock, trying to figure out how to make your car fly like the old chitty-chitty bang-bang. This is when I start to curse my childhood because they all lied to me! I was brought up in a time of chitty-chitty bang-bang, you know, the car that floats AND flies and let’s not forget the Jetsons, they had flying cars too and were living in the millennium, yet, here I sit in my Chrysler with nowhere to go.
20 mins. later… the traffic is flowing as if it never existed! There is no sign of an accident, broken down car, streaker, nothing… how does this happen? Does this happen in other states too? You are at a standstill and just a few miles down the road you are free-flowing with no explanation of the back-up. WTH?? Needless to say, I got my gas and arrived at work at exactly 8:31. One freaking minute late. I ran a marathon in my house that morning, got my two boys up, out of bed, in the shower, fed them, made lunches, and was out early to get a head start so I could get gas all to end up … one minute late without any more gas in my tank than when I started, in fact, I had less by this point. I was duped! If I had left 15 mins. later, I would have gotten to work the same time and wouldn’t have had to sit in the parking lot they call a highway and still wouldn’t have any more gas than I did at this exact moment. smh!
Oh well, the rest of the day went well… that was until I got a call at 3:45 pm from my son who is in High School telling me “Hey mom, I forgot to tell you, I have a wrestling match today at 4:45 pm, and they know I will have a match today, the other team has someone in the heavyweight division too. So please get there as fast as you can! Oh and btw can you please stop and get my something to eat, make it mostly protein because I can’t have carbs.. oh with two Gatorade drinks and water, thanks, Mom. I love you.”
So, like any mom would do, I ran out of work and jumped into my car, which has no gas, and flew up the highway, to the main road of the town I needed to be in which was about 30 mins. from my job, and looking for a deli. I found one, I stop I order a “grilled chicken cutlet sandwich with roasted peppers, mozzarella and balsamic vinegar on a whole wheat wrap.” I jump back into my now “air-driven” car and make my way to the high school, I find the parking lot, space, and dash inside. I see my son sitting there and a match was going on and it was the lightweights, and I thought, “thank you, Jesus, I didn’t miss him.”
I make my way into the gym, he sees me, smiles, and comes over to say hello and get his sandwich. As I said earlier, I was so happy I made it in time to see this match. You see, my son is 16, he is 6’4″ and weighs 252 lbs. it is hard for the schools to match him for wrestling, so I haven’t had a chance to see him wrestle too often… as luck would have it. He comes up to me, hugs me, and says, “Mom you missed it, I got a pin!” my shoulders fall as I start to deflate all the hot air I was holding in that helped me float effortlessly (or so it seemed) to the match with no gas in my car and sandwich in hand, as I stated, “Ohhhhh no you wrestled and I missed it?” He responds, “no it was a forfeit, they didn’t have someone my size to wrestle me.”  :/
So once again, I get to where I need to be with no gas and no glory.
Keep Sparkling ~
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