That seemed to be my motto after my divorce. I lost so much. I lost my home, I lost my life savings, my stock options, my security. I walked away without a pot, a pan, a spoon. I literally moved into my new apartment with my boys’ two beds (which my ex fought me for …
Losing myself along the road to finding me!
I have been divorced for 9 years. In that time, I have taken care of my two sons and neglected myself. If you have been following my blog you know that last week, I challenged myself to get back on track and lose the weight I’ve been carrying around for the past few months. Of …
When you lose yourself… again
I never had to worry about what I ate. I could enjoy anything, and my body would act as though I only fueled it with whatever was necessary and nothing more. Then…. I got married. The stress of marriage set in, the abuse started, the chaotic lifestyle of my in-laws took a toll on me. …
The Thing I learned about IEP’s
My son was first recommended for an IEP when he was in 4th grade. I had never heard of an IEP at this time. In fact, I remember the school counselor telling me that my son needed “extra” help. The counselor went on to explain that my son struggled in math, he also struggled with …
You be you, and I’ll be me ~
I remember reading an article a while ago and it stated certain rules parents of children with ADHD should avoid. One of the rules read: “Pushing our kids to live our idea of childhood, and participate in our idea of what kids their age should like, be interested in, and do well at.” That rule …
The Mole Hill Mountain is back…
Christmas is a crazy time.. but in my house the ADHD has kicked into high gear and R is living under a pile of clothes.. AGAIN! This is too much. R lost his retainers again, this has to be the fourth time in less than three-months. I’ve asked him to check his room several times …
Mole HIlls Turn to Mountains When Clothes Grow Under the Bed…
R is my oldest child he was diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety, and High Functioning Autism. While he can be very organized he is also messy. If I ask R to clean up, he will clean, straighten, and organize a space better than a professional. However, getting him to actually do this is the issue. He …
If you can’t have your cake and eat it too.. try these cookies!
Making the best of the holidays is what I have always tried to do. During my marriage, my ex would ruin each holiday with telling me how I didn’t pick the right gifts, or his mother would impress the importance of how much I spent on her rather than looking at the time and effort …
Three Gifts for One Quirky Boy
If you celebrate Christmas you may know how I feel. I’m a single mother, I try my best to surprise the boys on Christmas morning with the gifts they most want. Since they were little toddlers I always impressed upon them the importance of the day is the miracle of Jesus’ birth, family, and what …
You’ll know when you wake up, and your feet touch the floor…
For years I struggled with not being totally happy in my marriage. I had pockets of happiness, but throughout my marriage, I always felt like I was missing something. I’d ask myself was just me? Or, was it the fact that he was abusive? I’m sure the abuse did not help at all. In fact, …